发布者:     点击数:4851     发表日期:2020-12-23



主要从事微纳光学的电磁特性与稀土磁性功能材料方面的研究工作,先后参与完成了我校国家自然科学基金资助面上项目2项,主持在研省产学研合作项目1项,主持完成省教育厅研究项目1项、校级项目4项和横向项目1项。以第一作者或通讯作者发表学术论文10多篇,其中SCI 收录论文5篇、EI 收录论文2篇。



1、项目名称:石墨烯在新型环保节能免拆保温模板中的应用研究,项目类型:省科技厅,执行期限:2012011- 202112月;

2、项目名称:等离子层状结构材料的电磁特性研究,项目类型:省教育厅,执行期限:20156- 20176月。


[1] Wang X H#*, Ding W Y, Zhu H X, Liu C L, Liu Y W. Tunable broadband, wide-angle, and polarization-dependent perfect infrared absorber based on planar structure containing phase-change material. Applied Optics, 2018, 57(30): 8915-8920.SCI

[2] Xue Q W#, Wang X H*, Liu C L, Liu Y W. Pressure-controlled terahertz filter based on 1D photonic crystal with a defective semiconductor. Plasma Science and Technology, 2018, 20(3): 035504.SCI,通讯作者)

[3]Wang X H#, Liu Y W*, Feng Y C and Dong D X. Wavelength-tunable superresolution imaging with ferrite superlens, Modern Physics Letters B, 2016, 30(34): 1650408.SCI

[4] Wang X H#, Liu Y W*, Feng Y C. Temperature controlled infrared broadband cloaking with the bilayer coatings of semiconductor and superconductor. Physica C, 2015, 513: 13-17. SCI

[5] Wang X H#, Liu Y W*. Magnetically controlled multifrequency invisibility cloak with a single shell of ferrite material. Modern Physics Letters B, 2015, 29(04): 1550007. SCI

[6] Wang X H#*, Zhu H X, Shi W J. Tunable broadband superconducting cloaking, the 2nd IMCEC, 2018, 5: 137-141. EI

[7] Wang X H#, He W*, Zeng L M, Investigation on the Thermal Stability of the Compounds Y3Fe29-xCrx. Advanced Materials Research, 2013, 820: 71-74. EI




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